Astral Terra Wiki

About[ | ]

The Basic Controls for Astral Terra conform generally with modern MMOs. Astral Terra has additional unique controls specific to the Building Tools and Terraforming Tools modes.

Basic Controls[ | ]

Keyboard basic

Movement[ | ]

The keys indicated in green control basic movement:

  • W, ↑ - Forward
  • A, ← - Turn Left (Mouse Controller Style: Strafe Left)
  • S, ↓ - Backwards
  • D, → - Turn Right (Mouse Controller Style: Strafe Right)
  • Q - Strafe Left
  • E - Strafe Right
  • Left Shift - Toggle to Run
  • Space Bar - Jump

Game Play[ | ]

The keys indicated in yellow above control game play and interact with objects.

  • I - Inventory Pane: Players can see what is in their inventory and what is equipped to their character
  • P - The Powers Menu: Players can see available powers and use this panel to add skill ranks to these powers when leveling up
    • 1-9, M - Players can drag and drop their powers into the UI slots corresponding to these keys for quick casting
  • Left Mouse Click - Pick up an item, or use an activated power, weapon or tool to interact with objects, enemies, or other things in the environment

Mode Switching[ | ]

The keys indicated in red above swap the player into a different game play mode.

  • T - Activate Terraforming Tools Mode (see below)
  • B - Activate Building Tools Mode (see below)

Other[ | ]

The buttons indicated in blue above control other features.

  • O - Game Settings Pane: Players can change the Controller style from "Default" to "Mouse"
    • Mouse Controller Style alters the controls by allowing the player to control the camera, and the forward direction of the character, with the motions of the mouse
  • Mouse Wheel - Scrolling up and down will zoom the camera in and out from the character
  • Esc - Players can close any open menu

Building Tools Mode[ | ]

Keyboard build

Camera Control[ | ]

The keys indicated in green control the camera's movement:

  • W, ↑ - Forward
  • A, ← - Left
  • S, ↓ - Backwards
  • D, → - Right
  • Space Bar - Up
  • Z - Down

Object Manipulation[ | ]

The buttons indicated in blue above manipulate building objects and the building site.

  • Left Shift + Left Mouse Button Drag - When used in conjunction with the a selected tool, can delete and clear large areas or place numerous voxels at one time
  • Left Shift + Mouse Wheel - Scales the relative height of the Building Object

Mode Switching[ | ]

The keys indicated in red above swap the player into a different game play mode.

  • B - Exit Building Tools Mode

Terraforming Tools Mode[ | ]

Keyboard terraform

Terraformer Control[ | ]

The keys indicated in green control the Terraformer's movement:

  • W, ↑ - Forward
  • A, ← - Left
  • S, ↓ - Backwards
  • D, → - Right
  • Space Bar - Up
  • Z - Down
  • + - Scale Terraformer up
  • - - Scale Terraformer down
  • Left Shift + Mouse Wheel - Scales the relative height of the Building Object
  • Left Mouse Button - Activate the Terraformer

Terraformer Options[ | ]

The button indicated in blue above controls the functioning of the Terraformer.

  • F - Toggle the Terraformer from create to destroy (draw or erase)
  • X - Toggle on the "Ice Man" mode, and terraform a new path for yourself as you run.

Mode Switching[ | ]

The keys indicated in red above swap the player into a different game play mode.

  • T - Exit Terraforming Tools Mode